

Mar 6th - Peer Ministry Lock-in 5:30 p.m. - 5:30 a.m.

Mar 19-20 - Scrapbook Event - Cancelled this year

It is a fundraiser for the kids who participate and work the event. Funds go towards the youth trip or camps.

April 16 - Middle School Mini-Lock in 6p.m. - 10p.m.

We make to go meals for some members of the community and deliver them. It is a surprise! Kids help make them, write notes, deliver them, and there is built in learning, fellowship, and fun.

May 16 - Senior Recognition Sunday - a time to honor our Seniors (quilts, slideshow)

TBD Summer-Wild Water West Day, Ice Cream Social, JJ parade, Family Movie Night, BBQ and bean bags

October - Scrapbook event Fundraiser

October -4th - 6th grade Kids movie after school

Nov - Joy Ranch

Dec - Happy birthday Jesus Party K-3rd grade

National Convention Summer 2022 Minneapolis